Star EV Golf Cart problems

6 Expert Solutions|Star EV Golf Cart Problems


Are you the owner of Star EV Golf Cart? If yes, it is important to know its advantages and disadvantages to be useful to you in times of any issues related to the golf cart.

Today we will discuss here about 6 important disadvantages of the Star EV Golf Cart along with its remedy.  We will also give some important tips for EV Golf Cart Maintenance which will help you a lot.

The 6 problems that we will be ready to share with the Star EV golf cart are 1. Battery, 2. Motor and controller, 3. Brake, 4. Electrical Wearing, 5. Steering and Suspension, and 6. Tire and wheel problem.

Our experienced guidance will help you self-diagnose your EV golf cart problems and provide easy solutions.
Let’s discuss the Star ev golf cart problems and its possible advantages.

Features- Star EV Golf Cart

Before start discussing the problems, let’s discuss the top features. Star EV golf carts are become a booming brand in recent years. This is an excellent mid-range and low-speed vehicle. It has a foldable rear, flips tinted glass, dashboard storage, and aluminum 10-inch rims which other manufacturers can not match the pricing to feature ratio of Star EV Golf Cart.

Top Features of Star EV Golf Cart

The Top features of Star EV Golf Cart are :

  • 1680 mm Wheelbase.
  • 358 programmable controller.
  • 4.0 KW AC with thermal protection motor. 
  • 5.4 horsepower AC four-wheel hydraulic brakes. 
  • Silver and black aluminum 10-inch rims.
  • Roof color is standard and matches the rest of the golf cart.
  • Plenty of storage spaces with cup holders and glove compartment.
  • Standard front and back lights with direction indicators.
  • Windshield with flip-up tint.
  • Three-spoke aluminum with self-cancellation steering. 
  • Lockable storage space.
  • Back seat folds down to make additional room for luggage.
Star EV Golf Cart problems

Common Problems Faced by Star EV Golf Cart Owners

The Star EV Golf Cart has beautiful features that make its riding smoother. However, it has some common issues that sometimes hinder this smooth riding. Let us discuss those issues and remedies :

1. Battery-related issues and solutions

One of the major issues with the Star EV Golf Cart is the battery problem. Batteries may not hold a charge properly if they are old or loose connection. Here are some common battery problems and their solutions:

  1. Battery not Holding Charge: The battery does not hold charge due to various reasons. Dead cells are a common problem among them. Besides, loose connection or damage to the cable causes charging problems. First of all, clean the battery terminal and fix its loose connections. If the wire is torn, change it immediately.
  2. Short Battery Life: Battery problems can occur due to overcharging or undercharging. Check that the charger with a voltmeter so that the battery is charging at the correct voltage.
  3. Battery not charging: Sometimes the battery does not charge charger problem. So check the charger first. All these problems occur when it’s a loose connection or the wire is torn.  If changing it does not solve the problem, see an experienced mechanic.

2. Motor and Controller Problems and Troubleshooting

Another problem with the Star EV golf cart is the problem with the motor and controller. Motors and controllers
The most important parts of a golf cart, Here it is the problems and possible solutions :

  1. Motor Not Running: The golf cart motor is often not running due to battery charging problems. So check the battery voltage, lack of sufficient voltage causes motor problems. Replace any loose connections if the wire is frayed.
  2. Controller Not Working: Faulty connection or damaged controller does not work. So check the cable connections of the golf cart, if loose or bad, change it immediately.

3. Brake System Malfunctions And How To Fix Them

The brake system is one of the most important parts of the Star EV Golf Cart. If the EV golf cart is old, the brake system may have problems. So experienced consultants suggest timely servicing of the brake system. Some common EV golf cart problems and their solutions are:

  1. Brake Not Holding: Many times the brakes of the EV golf cart do not work properly due to brake pad or hydraulic fluid leakage. As a result, accidents may occur. So check the brake pad and hydraulic fluid periodically, if damaged, change it immediately. This will make EV vehicles live longer and avoid accidents.
  2. Brake Stuck: Damage to the caliper or brake pad cable causes the brake to stick to the wheel, preventing the EV golf cart from moving.
    To get rid of this, first check the caliper, if it is bad, replace it. And if the caliper is in good condition, check the brake cable well, the asymmetry signal does not make the brake movement correct, so change the brake cable immediately.
star car golf cart reviews

4. Electrical Problems And Their Remedies

If an EV is not properly maintained, the first effect is on the electric system. There are some common problems are :

  1. Lights Not Working: Many times the lights turn off without any reason while driving the EV. It can be due to various reasons. For example, the bulb is bad or the electric connection is loose. So first of all check the bulbs, and replace them if necessary. Also, check the electric wires with a multi-meter, if you notice any fault, repair or replace it.
  2. Horn And Indicator Not Working: If the horn or turn indicator does not work for no reason, it may be because its plug-and-play system is loose or the signal is not reaching the connection properly to wear a rash on its face. Rub the ends of the wires well and install them again in a plug-and-play system, the problem will be fixed.
  3. Electric System Failure: Many times the Star EV golf cart fuse gets tripped due to excessive current load. As a result, the electric connection of the EV is off. First of all, check the fuse well, if any burn or damage is noticed, change it. But check the fuse of the correct ampere while changing.

5. Steering And Suspension Issues And Their Remedies

Steering and suspension issues are the major problems with the Star EV golf cart. This will cause the EV to shut down permanently. So let’s discuss its problems and solutions:

  1. Steering Wheel Vibration: If the golf cart has an old steering wheel or the wheels are not balanced, the steering wheel can vibrate. So it is important to check the error of the wheels so that proper balance is maintained. It also reduces battery consumption.
  2. Uneven Tires: If the golf cart tires are set unevenly or the tire pressure is low, steering and suspension problems arise. Fixing the tire’s alignment using a laser tool or a straight edge can eliminate this problem.
  3. Suspension noise: Old bush or loose nut bolts can cause suspension noise. So arrange to fix the loose bush or nut as soon as possible.

6. Tires and wheels problems and how to resolve them

Tires and wheels are another essential component of an EV golf cart. Wheel or tire problems occur due to various reasons. For example:

  1. Flat tire: When the tire is old or worn, the tire grip is lost. As a result, problems like tire puncture are sometimes seen. So you can get rid of this problem by changing the old tire.
  2. Wheel Alignment: If the car pulls to one side or the steering feels off-center while driving the golf cart, it could be due to a problem with the wheel alignment. So you can fix it by using a straight edge or laser alignment tool.
  3. Wheel Balance Problems: If a vibration is felt while driving the golf cart at top speed, it may be due to wheel balance. Get the golf cart to a specialist right away and get it fixed.
star EV golf Cart

Additional Tips

7. Preventive Maintenance Tips For Star EV Golf Carts

In addition to the 6 problems and their solutions discussed above, here are additional maintenance tips for Star EV golf cart owners:

  1. Regular Battery Maintenance: Clean the battery terminals daily. Check battery water 2 days a month, top up if the water level is low. Also, charge the battery only if there is a 30% charge remaining, it will have a good battery life.
  2. Lubricating of Wheel: Regularly check steering, suspension, brake and lubricate at least once in a month. This will increase the smoothness and increase speed of the EV.
  3. Check Tire Pressure: Check tire pressure regularly and maintain proper balance every 10 days. It will increase the life of the tire.
  4. Clean The Golf Court: Finally, keep the golf cart clean regularly to avoid dust and dirt. This will prevent corrosion of the golf cart.


Hopefully, we have discussed all possible Star EV Golf Cart problems and their solutions. As a good EV golf cart owner you should know all these issues and their possible solutions so that your EV can runs smoothly and efficiently.

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